Day 1 of 30 Days of Biking

I signed up a few weeks ago for this “challenge” – ride a bike every day in April – and have been looking forward to it.  Oddly, it will be more difficult than it seems.

I made friends with two American cyclists from Minnesota last summer; this idea is from the state capital, Minneapolis.  So that’s another reason to “take (this particular) pledge” as the US website puts it.

Today will be one of the shorter rides, I hope.  Got out of the house just after 5 p.m. (actually the nicest part of the day) to take the Brompton out, having been slightly worried that, after Saturday’s London ride, it was squeaking a bit.  Turned out to be no squeaks at all.

Went down to the Brampton Valley Way and a part that has been recently upgraded.  I wrote about that here.  Not only a good surface but some signs indicating that this is indeed NCR 6.


A very enjoyable short ride!


A recce ride around London

With my friend Iain D, I went for a lovely ride around London last Saturday.  We rode our Bromptons to Northampton station, caught the 0850 and we were at Euston in under an hour.  The purpose?  To recce a ride we’ll offer to CTC Northampton in the summer.

I’d therefore better not, at this stage, disclose our route in detail.  Suffice to say that we are old-school – no fancy GPS gizmos on our handlebars; Iain D had worked out a route and written it down; I’d added one or two amendments and pinned my copy to my ‘bars (small print, though, so I had to wear my reading glasses throughout the day!).

The route is a mixture of main “tourist sights” (but they do look different from a bicycle saddle) and some obscure and eccentric sights (which are well worth seeking out).  It will be much appreciated, I’m sure.  Some uncaptioned photographic clues:


And shortly after photographing Virginia, we encountered this!

Isn’t it brilliant?

Well, that’s it for the moment.  I hope I’ve tickled your curiosity buds!

We caught a very fast train back from Euston, the 1649 gets into Northampton at 1741 – 52 minutes.